I found out today my life will change once school starts back again in the 2009-10 school year. I have been at Christiansburg high school for nearly 4 years now. I love it there (excpet for some drama time to time). I love the kids and all the great friends I have made. Today I got a phone call that I will be transfered to Christiansburg elementary school. I have mixed feelings about it. I will miss everyone there terribly but I am excited about some of the changes that this will bring with it. So pray for me, that this is a part of Gods plan.
Football is starting up, WOO HOO. Dylan is goin out for the 8th grade football team. Zack is goin into his final year of JV. I cannot believe my kids are as old as they are. My emotions in lots of way are getting the best of me. I am crying on minute upset the next and happy for them right after. I think it is fear and being just nervous about all the big moves.
We went last week for Zacks learners permit. He unfortunately failed by one question. He will be able to take it again on August 3rd. I really had to bite my lip in the DMV to not cry and finally broke down once we got home. My oldest is breaking away a little at a time. UGH..... We also have been looking go a job for him and I think that just makes me proud of the young man he is becoming but again the whole growing up thing. Lord help when he graduates.
Henry and I have hit a bit of a slump lately in alot of the different parts of our lives. We have been just snippy with one another. We have fallen away from being in church. We have fallen away from spending the quality time. It also seems as though we have just fell into the slump too that we just do what needs to be done in life and that is about it and no more. We haven't been very socail not that much has been there to do. We just are plain ole blah.... pray for us.
The boys will be goin to Gatlinburg next week for youth confrence and Henry will be gone the first couple of day for a football clinic with the varsity, what are me and the dog gonna do???
Anyway those are just a few things goin on these days....
Monday, July 20, 2009
Posted by Lisa at 7:26 PM 3 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th of July with family and friends
I hope everyone had a blessed 4th of July with family and friends. I know we did. We went to what has become the annual cookout/pool party with the Blaines. Which we always love doing and have so much fun. They are great friends and we love the time of fellowship we have with them. The Kings are also there and we love them dearly too.
The guys start the afternoon playing cornhole ( I guess that is how you spell it) They tend to get just a bit competative whether they admitt it or not. Terena and I later in the day tried our hand at it and have decided while Henry and Wayne work we will get together to practice. Although I have to admitt she got progresively better than I did!!! Above Eric and Henry are going at it. The trash talk was going strong too.Zack and Dylan love playing this game as well and have gotten their share of jabs in with the older guys!!!!
The guys then proceeded on to play crouqet. Which Cameron called the old people game and he wasn't joking. In this photo the guys said they couldn't see the RED gates on the GREEN grass so Wayne paints them WHITE. If you ask me they weren't any brighter but hey, whatever works for them.
I really have to say I never thought this would be a conversation I would hear between my husband and son. Henry was trying to teach Zack how to play well. Poor Zack get being behind. He later determined Camerom must be right it is an old mans game that is why he couldn't win!!
This is me and my little Anna. One of my many that I love as my own.
Later that evening we went to CHS and hung out with family and friends. This is Julie and myself before it got dark enough to start.
Henry and the boys watching the fireworks. Of course the boys were tryingn to duck out of the picture.
These are just a few of the many good ones we had this year. We were thankful that Cburg still did fireworks this year. I heard on the news because of the economy many places weren't having them.
Posted by Lisa at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Henry, myself, Zachary and Dylan would like to wish you all a Happy 4th of July. I pray you remember the soilders that have fought and are fighting for freedom and protection. All gave some but some gave all.....
May God bless you and your family and be thankful that we live in a country that allows us the freedom to say what we like when we like without the fear of death, or punishment. Do not take for granted what our fore fathers did for us and the wonderful gift that was given us in this country. Remember that the signers of our Decleration put God first and I pray you will as well
Be happy and safe this holiday
Posted by Lisa at 8:55 AM 0 comments